Extending or upgrade the seeed reComputer J1020

Part number used for the board in the seeed reComputer J1020 connecting to the nVidia Jetson SODIMM module is reComputer J202 – Carrier Board for Jetson Xavier NX/Nano/TX2 NX.

reComputer J202 Carrier Board for Jetson Xavier NX with compact function design and same size of NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX™ carrier board – Seeed Studio

Based on the spec sheet in the web site above, the J202 carrier board. Can be used to host the Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson Nano and Jetson TX2 NX.

Other than the Jetson Nano, any other Jetson module that is compatible with the J202 carrier board will requires a heatsink with active fan.

Recommended heatsink with active fan Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)s are as follows:
