Wait for the installation to be completed.
Placing sources to proper location, go to /usr/src , type “cd /usr/src” <enter> .
Use wget to download needed gem package manager , type “sudo wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/20989/rubygems-0.9.4.tgz” <enter> .
A password prompt will be invoked due to attempt to write files at /usr/src , key in your root password.
Extract the tgz file, type “sudo tar -xzvf rubygems-0.9.4.tgz” <enter> .
Get into the extracted tgz directory, type “cd rubygems-0.9.4” <enter>.
Use ruby to create run and install gem “sudo ruby setup.rb” <enter>.
Update gem package manager, type “sudo gem update –system” <enter> .
Install Rails framework and all its dependency(ies), type “sudo gem install rails -y” <enter> .
Go back to your default root, type “cd ~” <enter> .
Create a new file as sample.rb , type “pico sample.rb” <enter> .
In the pico console, type “puts “Hello World!” ” <enter> .
To save and exit, press “Ctrl + X” , press “Y” , press <enter> .
Run the sample ruby program, type “ruby sample.rb” <enter> .
Congratulations, you have successfully installed, ruby, gems and rails framework.